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It consists of a large circular structure supported above the ground by eight reactors and a central pillar, with various other supports around the city. On top of the structure lies the city proper, divided into eight sectors, while underneath it on the ground lies a large slum; created by the city's unfortunate and downtrodden. It is mentioned Midgar was once eight individual towns, but as Midgar came into existence their names were forgotten in favor of referring to the different areas as sectors.
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It is a large city and is divided into four areas: the Business District, the Industrial District, the Theater District, and the Grand Castle. People transport from district to district via the Air Cabs.
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Located south of Midgar, it has a large marketplace, and its shops are street vendors standing among the crates of goods in the port. Ships sail regularly between Nikeah and Paloom; transporting goods and when the need arrives: soldiers.
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Mountain range outside of Midgar and acting as a natural protection from the East. Travelers could, in theory, traverse across the mountain path; however the mountains are the nesting grounds for large Ruby Dragons that may be too much for the average traveler.
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Swarming with pyreflies, Zanarkand is a haven for many fiends, including zombie forms of Warrior Monks who lost their lives from their past world. What truly happened to this once awe-inspiring city is unknown by the people of this world.
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The Lunatic Pandora consists of two parts: the Crystal Pillar interior, with labyrinthine tunnels that run throughout; and the surrounding case, a large, semi-rectangular structure built around the pillar made of a dark material, most likely a type of metal.
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