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Sanctioned as a military school, this building offers the finest military education around. Cadets who graduate from the school become SEEDs, the Garden's military force. It is unclear as to what the true purpose the Garden has for creating this military. The Garden has four floors, a basement, the first floor has a library, cafeteria, training center, the quad, parking lot, and the dorms. The second floor has classroom and the top floor is the office of the Queen of Balamb.
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The modest city by the sea is known for its relaxing, resort-like atmosphere, the location is a popular destination for vacationers. In the past, it was a port that actively had ships sailing from Bodhum to Balfonheim but since Archades's attempt to invade fewer ships come into port.
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As a port town, much of its income comes from its ferrying service, offering people quick and safe ship travel. After agreements between Midgar and Balamb have been made, the town has now doubled as a location for the former to make easy port for its military in the event Archades attacks once more.
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The land Baron was established on was abundant in natural resources, and it quickly developed into a blossoming city-state. A parliamentary government was established, although only the state's most influential families were permitted to vote and industry and agriculture became the chief Baronian exports.
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Also known as Dragon Caves, are a group of islands. Beneath the islands are caves in which dragons dwell. Many of the Cardia islands are mostly covered by forest, marsh, and caves.
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Unaccessible through normal means, this small decrepit floating island has five crystals (red, green, blue, yellow, and a larger black crystal at the center) located around the small island. The only other thing mentionable upon the small island is the empty thrown that looked as though it had simply sprouted upon the wasted landmass. Currently the land floats above Balamb Garden.
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Balamb Region

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